The Icon Market Neutral is an all-weather, absolute return systematic strategy that seeks to generate double digit average yearly returns throughout market cycles with low drawdowns and a high degree of internal diversification and efficient use of capital.
The large portfolio of algorithms in a variety of highly liquid assets act together to form a hybrid / Multistrategy type profile with a low correlation to the S&P 500 and hedge fund indices.
ICON Market Neutral takes advantage of diversification and our trading expertise to offer a niche, multi-strategy absolute return product that will allow investors to enhance their risk adjusted returns in all market conditions.

Francis Everington
Mr. Francis Hugh Everington is ICON Portfolio Manager and a quantitative developer of systematic trading strategies with a strong background in portfolio and risk management and over 27 years of experience at firms in London, Frankfurt and Zurich
Frank has advanced strategy and algorithmic portfolio construction skills, deep market knowledge in a wide range of alternative asset classes and a strong risk control ethos.
He has worked previously at Principalium Capital AG, Ambient Capital Management CTA, UBS Asset Management and Credit Suisse Asset Management, Clariden Leu AG, ICAP Germany, Commerzbank and Nikko Securities in a wide variety of roles in trading, research and marketing.